Sunday, December 5, 2010

Day 16 - Plyometrics

This is the last Plyometrics workout before the recovery week and it kicked my ass once again. I was fully into it and gung ho into getting through the workout but my body it seems is more tired than I thought. The first couple of rounds I was totally into it and all cylinders were firing but after that my body was slowly burning out and running out of gas. I had to push myself through finishing the workout and some of the workouts I didn't fully do all the reps. I'm a little bummed that I let Plyo push me around a little but I did finish and not quit so I can at least say I did that. I understand now why there's a recovery week after three weeks,  these workouts really pound you down but thats what one has to do to get into great shape. I didn't do the bonus round again but I knew I wasn't going to. I'm gonna save that for after the recovery week. That's month 2 and thats when I'll be pushing myself into the next level.

All in all though I did push myself and worked hard so it was a great workout and I'm glad I pushed through it.

1 comment:

  1. After Plyo I did walk my dog for a mile so that little bit made me feel a bit better.
