Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 31 - Back and Biceps

This workout I really enjoyed. There was a lot of great bicep workouts that really give you some rocks haha. I worked out at my apartment's gym and used a variety of weights. I used mainly 25 lbs for all my bicep workouts and used 30 lbs for the hammer curls and lawnmowers. There isnt a pull up bar at the gym but they do have a pull down machine which works the same and there was only one workout I couldn't really do which was the towel pull ups due to the fact that I didn't have a towel but also it'd be hard to control the bar with the towel. I opted to just do regular pull down form. I also had a weird time doing the corn cob pull up on the machine. Those two workouts were ones I couldn't do fully but the bicep workouts I totally ripped. The end is a workout where you do 4 different weight sets 8 reps in a row. I started with 30 lbs then 25 lbs then 20 lbs and then finally 15lbs. Overall this workout I felt a bit clumsy but since it's my first time I think that's a given. I definitely need to get used to it more but I know that'll happen next week.

Ab ripper was awesome. I did 18 reps of each workout and it felt great.

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